Mrs Rita Littlewood
26 Underhill
Worsborough Bridge
S70 5DR
5th of March 2004
Dear Mrs Littlewood,
We have recently received intimation of a claim against us from your solicitors Raleys in connection with your slipping on some pigeon shite and doing yourself an injury.
From my knowledge of the area, I would have thought that anybody walking under a
railway bridge in Barnsley would have been a bit more careful (especially a person of your
age and life experience) but that really isn’t relevant.
This company doesn’t have any interest in any property in Barnsley. Although I did once
have a pint with the late Dr Liam Lannigan who you may remember used to hold his
surgeries (if one could call them that) in a local public house with the car parked on a
yellow line outside. Nice chap - shame he took a header down the stairs in one of his rare
moments of sobriety.
I’m afraid that your numpty bunch of ambulance chasing solicitors have been incompetent:
they’ve written to the wrong company.
They have managed to get Railtrack Limited (a Private Limited Company incorporated in Scotland on 8th of May 2003) confused with Railtrack PLC (a Public Limited Company incorporated in England and Wales on 28th of February 1994 and now, following re-registration as a Private Limited Company on 3rd February 2003, known as Network Rail Infrastructure Limited).
It’s a fairly elementary mistake to make and one that the Law Society would probably snigger at.
So, you aren’t going to get a penny from us.
If you really want some free money from the bridge owners, I suggest you get yourself a
decent firm of solicitors (if such a thing exists in Barnsley).
Yours sincerely,
J White
(Source: Railtrack Ltd; image courtesy of lawcartoon)