Job seekers should network strategically and take advantage of social media. Blogging about issues in their preferred practice area would give them an opportunity to showcase their capabilities.
Law students and recent grads often fear that they are too inexperienced to blog with credibility. On the up side: they have fresh researching skills and are knowledgeable about cutting-edge issues they learned in their classes. They can leverage this know-how into topics to write or blog about. Their professors might be wiling to endorse them!
Law students should not write law review-style articles. Instead, they should write in a more conversational way about subjects they are passionate about. Their passion will show through and inspires blog writing. So start a blog about law-related matters, and try to combine it with other passions. That’s what engages readers and builds a faithful following.
One law graduate landed a job in an estate planning firm, and he believes that blogging helped. He went to work for a firm that values writing and encourages him to write articles on topics clients care about.
Why did blogging help him? It gave him an audience interested in his writing and analytical skills, since it demonstrated his interest in the practicing in his field of interest.
Advise to all lawyers ( and lawyer to be): start blawging!