Law firms are a business, so they need a marketing plan. It consists of the following steps:
1) The best way to get business right away is to tell everyone you know what your law firm is doing. This can be done by e-mail, letter and (of course) social media. Make it clear what the firm’s expertise is. Your (potential) clients will get confused if you claim to be a “general practice”. It is important to specify if you the firm does wills and estate planning, or that that it specializes on car accident cases.
2) Offer a package deal. If the firm handles DUIs, offer a “Jailhouse Consultation.” For this kind of promotion, a firm needs to be creative and build its reputation. In certain cases, it might be worth while to take on pro bono cases. Law firms can easily mimic sales offered by the retail industry.
3) Drum up business. Engage friends and family to send clients in order to do business. Tell them what the firms would like them to do.
4) Blog! Start a blog (or blawg) to pull in search engine traffic. Maintaining a blog is a long-term marketing endeavor, so it might be worth while to engage a freelance lawyer-turned-blogger. It will certainly pay off if kept up.
5) Connect to lots of people. Start networking with people that are potential referral sources, as well as entrepreneurs and business owners whom could be turned into clients.
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